Sunday, February 27, 2011

Labeled Parts Columbus Ship


I am one of the 10,000 testers in Seramis Whisprs . That is why I take it as an opportunity to present you my orchids once to compare later if Seramis do my orchids well.


The number one is still flourishing strong, so I have not repotted.
But Seramis fertilizer poured

orchid number 2

This orchid is my "problem case". When I bought it, it has flourished, even very long, but for almost a year, nothing more. No flowers, no new leaves. Some leaves had fallen.
Am 22.2. I repotted it and with fertilizer cast.

Orchid Point 3

The orchid starts to be a problem case. Leaves hang down without power and the new buds begin to wither on.
These I am 22.2. repotted and fertilized. Since then, the leaves are back stronger and I think a new drive comes buds. Wait times


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