Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meclizine To Get High

background with the creative color of CreaDirect

With creative color of CreaDirect can produce great backgrounds, since it is very fluid. First, I have two colors chosen
this I will simply spread wildly on the paper and apply it arbitrarily

with the roller on the paper:
Man, the paper can now simply allow to dry or dry with a Embossingfön. Since I'm impatient, I naturally used the hair dryer. While the colors are wet, they appear very dark, this will change once they are dried:
how it looks when you spread the color as "poop" and then rolls:

have on this card I simply used a portion of the paper:
More examples:
Different shades of blue
pink and neon green
dark green and red
If you are interested in the color and sometimes even want to splash, then a party to book at me. Of course you can also einfachbei the colors I ordered. Send me an email to: crazy creative (at)


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