Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Did Gloria Gary Say About Diana

[Preview] essence trend Edition "fairytale"

Hello my friends!
My first preview is active. The essence trend Edition fairytale.
The first is here a mere preview for you, and then the next Post is my opinion in general to essence and other "Tooled-series" in contrast to the expensive brands such as MAC or Urban Decay.

a pity that this edition comes out in winter, because the colors are still held more springlike. The edition includes then buy from December 2010 to January 2011 in the drugstore. Just schonmal stock up for spring. The packs are very sweet and playful, definitely worth a look.

The Shadow
As you can see there are very pastel colors, the wonderfully the spring fit. The gray is a bit like in the Moonlight and eclipse Edition, but definitely worth seeing. The lavender eye shadow are indeed super nice for me personally but not so interesting. But who wants to spice up its spring look something should look at the colors on each case once, for such a delicate purple in the eye angle to brown fits wonderfully and can also carry great in the fall. Quite interesting I find the apricot. super great for medium skin types. And you can see a really cute packging.

The eyeliner

There is also an eyeliner, eyeliner or better. There is only one in stick form, and only in black. So if you need one of these is a possibility. Also very nice to look at and will cost only 99Cent. Because you can not go wrong.
I think I'm going to buy this to test him for you and to
to do with this sweet package have:)

The Glittereyeliner
It will also put back the glitter liner, this time in gray / black, lavender and apricot. They are very bright and pastel and it looks like so much glitter. Interesting I find the apricot-colored, because I can imagine to the super bright Lokke. The Lavender fits really great with brown eyes and is in combination with the previously determined gray eye shadow with a bang. I try going for you. the gray I personally do not find that interesting, but I'll watch it to me anyway.

The lip glosses
Three lip glosses come with the trend Edition. Apricot, lavender and red all three with lots of shimmer.
Good, the apricot-colored is great for nude lips and for each day of the Lavender me now speaks not so, since I'm not a fan of purple on the lips and the Red, hm .... since ihc'm skeptical because I red from the eclipse Edition was very disappointing. In any case, I'm going to watch but, perhaps, the texture improved.

false eyelashes
are very sweet the false eyelashes. There are simple black lashes, but with stars turn. Very very great for the carnival, as it still very sweet, not too much though. The use of stars makes gezeihlte!

The nail varnish
As always, very popular in the trend Editions are the nail polish. This time there are six. Really great colors with plenty of glitter. Very pastel, nude and a force term red all I find very exciting and the red seems to have so golden and green shimmer particles, later I'm excited, because that would fit great at Christmas time. The other colors are really great for me every day and saying, at the very pastel lavender. is now only to be seen how the texture and durability.

Shimmer Powder

For me personally, very great, because I love Shimmerpowder! I use it very often or something rather than about the Blush Blush Highligh. Blush should be the nihct but already very self to shine. Shimmerpowder is really great to give the face a healthy "glow." This looks real here from the great-close Color and light particles. It looks like gold particles. I will try in any case, since my Shimmerpowder from Monnlight edition slowly runs out.

I think it's a really great edition, with many exciting and interesting. I hope for you is something you and I could be helpful to find something. I will try different things out of this edition for you and sometimes you write as I find them.
who want something simple, sweet and girlish for this trend Edition just right.
Much Fun and see you soon
your Jessie

source for this was


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