Friday, February 25, 2011

Daughter Has Viral Infection

DM Mini-Haul

Yes I'm writing well again ...* ashamed *
Yesterday I was at DM and I bought some what. Actually, I wanted only buy cotton pads and a new shampoo, I naturally have not thought about it. For now there is with us to buy the new P2 line, I was distracted and had my actual DM Shopping List totally forgotten.
pictures of the new products you can here to see Paddy's Blog
I have not bought much, have the most interests me the paints. I also have time until the end of August, for only then will the line switched back.
I found interesting was the eye shadow Palettes Color Fusion Eye Palette ", which gave me very much of these criteria limite Eyeshadow pallets from Bobby Brown recalls. . But as I have already 1000 eye shadow and would rather grab again and again to MAC, I have left for

I bought me DM:
P2-Feel Good Mineral Compact Powder (is not new, have always existed)
P2 Pure Color Lipstick "Unter den Linden"
P2 Color Victim nail polish? charming secret, charming, poetic (nanu gave these names but already times ??!!)

Then I truly this Haarrriefen of Ebbelin purchased. I found so beautiful and in DM it was the last before me and snatches that I immediately accessed.

Here again are the Pure Color Lipstick "Unter den Linden".
It is a altrose with light pink cast. I like the color looks very nice.
The lipsticks cost of P2 still € 1.95

Have her even when you can admire the new P2-range?
like what you and what is not?


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